thx to aien and friends sbb kasi aku tumpang umah korg..
now,oni dh dptkan kat perda.aku suh dye amik dulu.
nanti ble aku g sane,aku tgk mane yg okay.
dulu serabut.
skang dh okay.hehe.
thx to all of ya.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
i'm sorry.
from start,i never appreciate on what you had done for me.
now,i make our relationship goin worse.
i don't wanna to.
i was disturbed that night.
sorry again.
i love you.
from start,i never appreciate on what you had done for me.
now,i make our relationship goin worse.
i don't wanna to.
i was disturbed that night.
sorry again.
i love you.
Monday, June 28, 2010
coming back.
he's already fine..
Thank God,dye masih mcm dulu..
galok x abeh2..
just one..
aku xnk gaduh dgn dye..aku tak nak dye marah..
aku tak nak dye xde mood..
x best la bro..
sbb tu bila aku rase ade unsur2 aku akn gado ngan dye,aku trus stop..
suh dye pegi rehat or anything..
bagus x aku?hahak..
aku pon 1..mcm2 perangai..
kesian dye kena layan je..
awk,sy janji sy try avoid those negativo things to make our relationship better.
he's already fine..
Thank God,dye masih mcm dulu..
galok x abeh2..
just one..
aku xnk gaduh dgn dye..aku tak nak dye marah..
aku tak nak dye xde mood..
x best la bro..
sbb tu bila aku rase ade unsur2 aku akn gado ngan dye,aku trus stop..
suh dye pegi rehat or anything..
bagus x aku?hahak..
aku pon 1..mcm2 perangai..
kesian dye kena layan je..
awk,sy janji sy try avoid those negativo things to make our relationship better.
there's been a lot of problems..
urghhhh..i hate this..
dgn kolej yg x dpt,umah sewa yg terlalu mahal..
kan senang kalo study kat uitm dungun je..
even akan dpt kolej kat situ tp hari2 aku akan balik umh..
nih,dh la ceruk utara,uitm kecik,sem 2 dh kena duk luar..
ape nih..ceq pening..
well,hope everything flow smoothly..
sem 2 bakal menjelma..
study sungguh2 fatin..
kali nie kena dapatkan result terbaik..
kena tebus untuk sem 1..caiyok!
p/s: aku tetap syg uitm penang..wee~
urghhhh..i hate this..
dgn kolej yg x dpt,umah sewa yg terlalu mahal..
kan senang kalo study kat uitm dungun je..
even akan dpt kolej kat situ tp hari2 aku akan balik umh..
nih,dh la ceruk utara,uitm kecik,sem 2 dh kena duk luar..
ape nih..ceq pening..
well,hope everything flow smoothly..
sem 2 bakal menjelma..
study sungguh2 fatin..
kali nie kena dapatkan result terbaik..
kena tebus untuk sem 1..caiyok!
p/s: aku tetap syg uitm penang..wee~
Saturday, June 26, 2010
get well soon.

i miss the old you.
yg suka ckp,yg suka pot pet pot pet,yg suka mengusik,yg suka buat sy ketawa all the time.
bila awk sakit,rase mcm laen sgt.
awk kurang rase mcm ckp ngan org bisu je..haha..
tp awk sakit pon awk tetap text sy..thx yea buncit..
jgn lupe mkn ubat..
honeymoon dlm bilik je taw..hahak..
i hope u get well soon..
sy doa dari jauh..
Friday, June 25, 2010
nancy ajram;)
i just love her songs and this is my favorita;)
(sape2 yg dtg kenduri kakak aku msti kenal lagu ni)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
dreezy caught me!

To the one who owns this heart of mine,
Comes this lovely wish dear valentine,
That you'll feel special all day through,
Because I think the world of you,
You are the finish of an olympic run,
You are the shine when there is no sun,
You are a rope when I start to fall,
You are my life and you are my all.
thx dear buncit! ;)
Friday, June 18, 2010
18th June.

the luckiest number..
i have someone..
my contract with this person - for the whole period of my life..
i accepted u as u are the best person that I've ever known.
so,don't ever try to be someone else.
don't hypocrite.
don't lie.
don't know if i could ever be without you coz u complete me.
and in time i know we'll both see.
that we're all we need.
thanks for propose,the sweet..haha..;p
and thanks a lot coz u always by my side.
i love you..;)
waka waka..
this month,arghhhh..i hate worldcup..
sume org tumpu kat bola yg satu..
dh la,xnk cite pasal bola.
nk cite pasal kenduri kawen n hantar menantu.
conclusion from these things,aku rase everything going smoothly..
everyone happy and xde la kejadian jenayah blaku..
kalo nk cite,sgt byk so aku wat conclusion jela ek.hee.
but,i hope my sis will be fine with her husband,her new family and her new life.
skang dh jadi bini org so pandai2 la ye kak yah..hee..
abang ejan,take care of my sis..
btw,happy honeymoon in Hong Kong yea..
bwk balik snow white utk sy!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
tu je ayat yg ade dlm kepala otak yg genius nih.
hari2 kerja aku membasuh umah.
selagi kak yah x kawen,selagi kenduri x dibuat,selagi tu lah ade je keje yg kena buat.
kadang2 aku jd snow white,lap tangga,tingkap,sapu sampah.
kadang2 aku jd cinderella,memasak,cuci lantai dapur,lantai stor,longkang.
bile la aku dpt jd jasmine or ariel,hari2 kuar bermain..haha..
bersih umah kali nie lebih dr persediaan raya.
mybe sbb kenduri nie seumur hidup.
raya tu setahun sekali.
tp xpe,walaupon penat,aku hepi.
sbb aku x sabar nk berkumpul ramai2 ngan sanak saudara.
it's gonna be fun!
tu je ayat yg ade dlm kepala otak yg genius nih.
hari2 kerja aku membasuh umah.
selagi kak yah x kawen,selagi kenduri x dibuat,selagi tu lah ade je keje yg kena buat.
kadang2 aku jd snow white,lap tangga,tingkap,sapu sampah.
kadang2 aku jd cinderella,memasak,cuci lantai dapur,lantai stor,longkang.
bile la aku dpt jd jasmine or ariel,hari2 kuar bermain..haha..
bersih umah kali nie lebih dr persediaan raya.
mybe sbb kenduri nie seumur hidup.
raya tu setahun sekali.
tp xpe,walaupon penat,aku hepi.
sbb aku x sabar nk berkumpul ramai2 ngan sanak saudara.
it's gonna be fun!
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