okay,hmm. as u know, ive done my Diploma. So now im relaxing at home for 6 months like a bawss haha. Before i enter Uni again to continue my study in Degree on Mac 2013 Insya-Allah, I will follow my sister and Brother in-law to Surrey,London on this coming November 15th. This is because i will take care of my boyfriend, Eeyan for 3 months there. Yelah,kakak nak settlekan mcm2 hal for her study kat sana, abg ipar pulak sibuk dengan kerja dia so for the beginning, they let me to take care of my boyfie sementara semua hal tu settle. My parents said, aku ikut mereka ke sana untuk tolong (yes mmg aku ikhlas tlg coz he's my bf haha) and lagi satu because I'm the only one yang tak pergi Mekah lagi. =( So,what they do is, aku ke sana so aku dapat jugak tgk negara org mcmana,mana la tahu hati ni tbukak jadi lebih matang ke,lebih kuat ke kan,Insya-Allah. Dan untuk tahu bahawa manusia kat dunia ni ada macam2 perangai. Parents ckp, its fair and square la kan sbb all their children dah pernah merasa pergi jauh. Kakak dah pergi Mekah,UK and Hong Kong. Ang dah ke Mekah and Pittsburgh. Yen dah ke Mekah. And me dah ke Indonesia and soon London. I know bukan mudah nak cari duit untuk beli tiket mahal2 and nak tangung hidup kat sana but they sacrifies a lot for their children. And yet, family told me to continue my study there dah alang-alang kakak ada kt sana. Hey,no way Tin nak tinggalkan UiTM. Di Hatiku!

So,I'll be there on November 15th until the end of February (senang cerita seminggu sebelum masuk degree). As u know, November, right? Winter! yg excited tu tolak tepi. Sekarang aku risau sejuk kat sana tu. Ang cakap kalau sejuk mmg sampai meresap ke tulang. Aku xpela, tp Eeyan si bambam tu. Nanti nk tukar pampers,nak mandi cmne kalau sejuk tahap gaban? hmm hmm risau beteii. Xpe, Insya-Allah everything gonna be fine. And to all of you, wish us goodluck okay! Nanti aku buat mcm dlm gmbr ni untuk korang heee. See you soon, Surrey!