Thursday, March 13, 2014
Getting Tougher.
Week 2.
Yeah. Dah start buat group and in pair and semester ni jgk we try to create new group. Takde la group yg sama sejak sem 3. Dah try utk group dgn yg lain pulak. Hopefully getting well.
Semester ni, based on my observation cewahhh..
We got senior lecturers. Most of them laa. And semester ni jugak dapat tgk mcm2 kerenah jgk lecturer pun. Hehe. Ada yang sangat strict, very punctual person even dia ckp, "if our class start at 9, the last you can come is by 8.59". And yes, biasa la kan student ada laa kan tanya how about marks and final. Ni, awal2 dia dh cakap, "you guys, don't you dare to ask me about marks." And once masa dia edarkan kertas for each group, dia suruh aku bg. And then aku bru je bg kat belakang, dia trus tnya, "okay everyone get your paper?" Kitorg dah mcm...pehal pulak tak sampai seminit pun nk edarkan. -,-"
And ada yang serious kelakar gila. Lagi 4 tahun nak pencen. And dia yg ajar Park & Recreation subject. Very relax punya person. 1st meeting, dia ckp, "harini nk belajar dh ke? xpelaaa kita rilex2 dlu, sembang2 jap, kenal2. Sy ni ada isteri, tapi boleh lagi op.." "anak sy ada 2 orang, ada dh besar2 awak semua ni. So boleh laa kalau nk kenal2". Ya Rabbi memang serious kelakar!
Ada jugak yang muka dia serious tp kelakar boleh tahan. She's a DR btw. Even she has the sense of humor but we still respect her. And she's beautiful. =) Tadi dia cakap, "nanti kalau dah pukul 8.40 panggil sy ye". And one of my classmates tanya laa nak panggil kat mana. Dia ckp, "ohh, kat Econsave la". I was like, hah! statement taknak kalah hahaha. And kelas dia lah satu2nya kelas yang kita kena dgr betul2 sebab lepas kelas dia akan tanya apa yg kita belajar hari itu. Setiap orang akan kena. And akan ada quiz each week. And its good since this subject is killer paper for this semester. Thanks Dr coz you're strict yet fun! =)
And Miss Inoor. Dia ajar kitorg sem lepas. And sem ni pun dia ajar. We are close. Kalau jumpa kt McD mmg akan belanja kitorg fries and coke. Biase la, dah stay Puncak ni mana lagi tempat nk buat meeting class malam2 haha. I love the way she teach us. And I like the way she speaks in English. =)
And Madam Flora. Yang Taiwan tu. Pergh. Nak faham slang dia lagi, nk faham subject lg. As you know, dia ajar Account and Club subjects. Tang nak tanya soalan tu mmg struggle betul. Kita ni bukannya fluent pun English. Club Mgt, kena buat forum. I think thats not the big deal mcm nk buat conference tp the way she told us to do this and that, alamak rasa mcm susah pulak. Hmm. I hope I can understand well for these subjects.
And semester ni, Park & Recreation subject je kitorg gabung. Yang lain dah pecah dua kelas dah. Sometimes, I miss us. Miss all of us make noise with 43 voices in class. Skrg dh tinggal 21 orang. Semua mcm nerd people. Serious boring. But I hope this thing will not disturb me to focus in class.
Semester 5. Maybe sebab final year that's why lecturers pun seniors. But please, don't treat us like an adult sgt. Although we are 23 tp some of certain things we don't understand.
Naik semester, naik lah ketougher an nya.
Till now, peace.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Semester 5. (Final Year)
Another 4 months. Currently in Puncak Alam yang air dicatu, panas bak hang! Cannot fatin cannot....Should say Alhamdulillah. Setiap ujian pasti ada hikmah yang Allah nak tunjuk. So be patient! This semester, cover 8 subjects :
1) BEL
2) Destination, Planning in Tourism
3) Management Accounting
4) Club Management
5) Park & Recreation
6) Research Method
7) E-commerce
8) Human Resource Management
Minggu pertama dah dapat 2 assignments yang kena hantaq next week. Okay, should realize now, Diploma isn't the same as Degree. For Accounting and Club Mgt, same lecturer, Miss Flora, orang Taiwan. So you know lah the slang. Perit gak aaa yg mendengar hihihi tp its good for us because at the same time we can learn English. Kang nanti nak kerja overseas, Wehehehe.
And this semester, our class is divided to 2. A and B. Tak best ;(
Maybe sebab dah rapat each other and all of sudden all subject has to be divide termasuk yang Planning in Tourism yg suppose mass lecture. And probably Park Rec pun kena pecah so lagi satu kelas kena form community baru and destination. But some of them ada yg dh ada jawatan in organizing trip to Perhentian. Takpelah, just wait for the solution. hahaha.
So, today is Wednesday, tomorrow after class, nak balik coz missing Firhan so much dengan mulut moncong tututu hahaha. Esok turun Shah Alam and then solat Maghrib Isyak kat Masjid Shah Alam then baru balik umah. Sambil2 nak elak jem haha.
Okay till now.
Pray for the best.
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