here my roomates.
wan ainaa nabilah n nor diyana.
one from kuantan n one from kelantan.
both are older than me.
first time we knew each other,really janggal u know.
then,we're getting closer n closer.
we're sharing problem.
in all topics.
they helped me so much.
n bcoz of them,i can coped myself with new life at uitm.
it's not easy to have a life like we want there.
sometimes we've to faced with hypocrite friends.
n sometimes we must pretend to be ourselves.
nak buat mcmane kan.
they're really good roomates.
i'll never imagined that i will have roomates like them.
they had changed my life a little laa.
i've thanked them very much esp when they give me advices in studies.
n love story too.
they know all my secrets.
n they supported me full enough.
kak aina n kak yana,
i love u so muchie2!;)
n there is our room.
mase uh baru balik dari berbuka puasa kat tepi pantai.
tak sempat nak kemas.
that not mean kitorg kotor okayy.
juz,ade mase tak sempat nk siapkan sumenye.
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