Scoliosis is a disorder that causes an abnormal curve of the spine, or backbone. The spine has normal curves when looking from the side, but it should appear straight when looking from the front. People with scoliosis develop additional curves to either side, and the bones of the spine twist on each other, forming a "C" or an "S" shape in the spine.Scoliosis is about two times more common in girls than boys.
In most cases, the cause of scoliosis is unknown (idiopathic). This type of scoliosis is described based on the age when scoliosis develops. If the person is less than 3 years old, it is called infantile idiopathic scoliosis. Scoliosis that develops between 3 and 10 years of age is called juvenile idiopathic scoliosis, and people that are over 10 years old have adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. More than 80% of people with scoliosis have idiopathic scoliosis, and the majority of those are adolescent girls.
To be truth, I'm part of them. And my sister too. Mula-mula tak perasan sgt masa medical checkup masa nak masuk diploma dulu. Then after 3 years, when I went to Klinik Lee to make medical checkup once again for my degree, (Thank Allah coz my own brother did my x-ray so takde la malu hehe), he said,'tin,tgk ni,tulang belakang bentuk 'S'. I was like '.....what? Bahaya ke Yen?' (nickname for my brother). He said, 'tak,tapi nampak la kalau berjalan ke apa ke,tu pun kalau orang tenung lama-lama sebab 'S' ni tak too obvious'..Pergi dekat doc,doc pun menung je tgk haha..He said its normal for girls yang mempunyai ketinggian yang agak tinggi (yeah,I admit that doc).
In my case,yang berbentuk 'S' tu terjadi dekat tulang bawah,permulaan tulang belakang tu..and my sis pulak bentuk 'S' tu bermula dari bahu tu. Scoliosis mmg ada banyak type. Bila google lagi gerun ada yang sampai teruk gila..Memang bersyukur dah tak seteruk itu. That's why, awal-awal I tell you haa, my body bukan type anak dara yang ramping pewitt body much more like this if you all perasan la.
Ketahuilah kalian, kita semua tidak sempurna. Dan bahagian saya,fizikal saya memang tidak sesempurna insan lain. Terima kasih Allah sebab benda ni tidak menyakitkan aku,cuma kadang-kadang terasa lenguh di bahagian bahu disebabkan ketidakstabilan bahu tu. Memang boleh operate tapi kalau perkara ni tidak menyakitkan,buat apa kan.
p/s: Just wanna share some info. I guess some of you didn't know about this,right?=)
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